We are actually fighting the same adversary Lincoln identified early in his political career when he referred to the locofocos and mobocrats-terms he used for the Democrat party.
In the years leading up to his presidency he, also often referred to them as the enemy. He was describing them even further when he said, "Evil can't stand discussion... What kills the skunk is the publicity it gives itself. What a skunk wants to do is keep snug under the barn in the daytime, when men are around with shotguns..."
Whatever we call them, know that they have been skunks hiding under the barn for decades...coming out in the night when we're all asleep when darkness hides their havoc. But today they have become bolder and even more destructive in the daylight!
Trump underestimated how serious and intense was the Left's genuine hatred for him. Newt Gingrich would say "these people are your mortal enemies. You represent the end of their world. They will never give up as long as you are in office." They don't seem to give up when he is out of office. They fear him-he is one of the men with "shotguns."
We as a party consistently make one fatal mistake in how we deal with our "friends across the aisle"- Republicans always underestimate the depths of depravity and the heights of absurdity of the Democrat party. There are no limits to these.
The Left in America today is not bound by morality, honesty or ethics, especially since God no longer is welcome on their platform. They have two guiding principles in everything they do. The first is: the end always justifies the means. It's interesting to note that Lincoln had the same idea about his political adversary Democrat Stephen Douglas when he said "he never lets the logic of principle displace the logic of success."
Their 2nd guiding principle? Exhaust the opposition by never conceding loss or failure.
How did Abraham Lincoln know America's enemy would not be foreign but domestic?
He said, "Shall we expect some trans Atlantic military giant to step the ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!... If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
Lincoln delivered this speech when he was 29 years old. He knew then what he was up against. The next two decades would see slavery and antislavery sentiment gradually fester and polarize the nation.
A similar Conflict today has festered and grown until two Americas stand at the threshold of what I believe to be another enormous crisis. America is in the midst of a war of sorts - subversive, constant, and not at all civil.
Lincoln Famously predicted: "a house divided against itself cannot stand... I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free...It will become all one thing or all the other."
You see, these skunks are not content to keep their stench to themselves...
"For decades, this conflict has been fought quietly in City Hall's, classrooms, school boards, courtrooms, town squares, and statehouses across the country." Wrote Newt Gingrich, "However, the election of Pres. Trump clarified the battle lines ... and elevated these individual fights into a United national conflict. On one side is an anti-Trump coalition full of liberals, globalists, hostile, and blatantly anti-American groups, and establishment elites from both parties. On the other side is Trump's America -the millions of hard-working middle Americans United by respect for our flag, historical freedoms, and traditional values. One side wants to see America return to prosperity and strength. The other wants a weak, apologetic, government - controlled American people."
In his 1858 Chicago speech, two years before the first shots were fired, Lincoln tried to appeal to peace and unity with "Let us discard all this quibbling about this race, that race and the other race being inferior,... Let us unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal."
And even up to the very brink of war his first inaugural ended with "...We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory ...will yet swell the chorus of the union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better Angels of our nature."
It all sounded so good... But there were no triumphant "better Angels." It was no longer a time for nice, room for compromise had dissolved. It was a time for truth, for conviction, and for courage. Four long, devastating years had yet to be fought and endured before Lincoln could make America great again.
Near the end of his first inaugural Trump also appeals to unity and patriotism:
"A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sites and heal our division. It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black, or brown, or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great American flag,." ...Not quite....
One thing Abraham Lincoln hated was hypocrisy and always called it out where he found it. In the years leading up to Civil War The absurdity of the Democrats went from "Slavery is a necessary evil" to "Slavery is a positive good." Lincoln said "as a good thing, slavery is strikingly peculiar... it is the only good thing which no man ever sees the good of for himself"..."Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally."
And when the Southern Democrats blamed him for their seceding Lincoln said, "That is cool, a highwayman puts a gun to my ear, says 'Stand & deliver' or I will shoot you, then you will be a murderer." They've become experts at that blame game.
Trump dared to call out the hypocrisy of the Democrats, too. They promote diversity and religious freedom unless of course you are a Christian and even Jewish. Laura Ingraham said "you all know why in your heart Donald Trump won... Because he dared to call out the phonies, the frauds and the corruption that has gone unexposed and uncovered for too long."
Both American presidents foiled the Democrats' easy path to their own slave nation. They forced the skunks out from under the barn and that's when things really began to stink! They lie and cheat and steal. And It's awful and uncomfortable and infuriating. And just may get worse before it gets better. Would you rather have them tucked away, hidden again or are you ready to take them on honestly and openly?
Lincoln did not just foil their plans; He had to crush them as the antithesis of freedom and the American dream. Lincoln faced a clear enemy - - squarely, courageously and without compromising. Our enemy today is even more formidable and more insidious. And whoever wins this fight gets to choose which America we leave to our children.
The first major battle of the Civil War was fought near Manassas, Virginia on July 21, 1861. Certain of a union victory, many of the Washington DC social set rode out in their carriages to watch the battle. Untrained and undisciplined, the battle soon turned into a rout that sent the union army scattering in retreat. The panicked civilians added to the confusion as they fled.
Our battle, now, is no less real than any other fought in the history of the world. But it isn't an afternoon picnic in the Park. But, just as the union Army trained and adapted and eventually became their own formidable force, so too must we conservatives learn to fight with equal intensity!
Lincoln gave this direction to Congress on Independence Day at the outset of the Civil War, "and having thus chosen our course without guile, and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear and with manly hearts."
Let us follow his charge to ..."stand by our duty, fearlessly and effectively... Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces to the government, nor of dungeons to ourselves (you see, cancel-culture existed then, too.) ...Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."
Lincoln went on--"That Army of Republicans, their work is before them, and from which they may not guiltlessly turn away." "The Fight must go on!" according to Lincoln; "We have to fight like hell!" as expressed in Trump's unique presidential lingo.
Trump once wrote, "Our National anthem gets it right: this is the land of the free and home of the brave. It's time we lived that message and let the world know we're willing to back it up." He's almost right ...
Do you realize the Anthem we sing ends with a question?
"Oh say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and home of the brave?"
A question--as if there may be doubt as to our flag's ability to remain the mighty symbol of a Free nation of Brave people. Turns out, it's only as strong as the hands holding it up.
Francis Scott Key wrote four stanzas to his famous poem; the first became our national anthem over 90 years ago...
But perhaps we should be singing part of the last stanza instead...
"Oh thus be it ever when free men shall stand...
... Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
and this be our motto "in God is our trust"
and the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Gretchen Wollert, all rights reserved.